
When writing papers, there are a number of issues that arise, in addition to the usual "appropriate use of the English language". I have attempted to provide some guidelines here to make what I expect from you a little clearer.

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The following is from my son's 8th grade notes (he now teaches high school math for Milwaukee Public Schools) on plagiarism (his original notes are in blue, my alterations are in red):

Types of Plagiarism

  1. Word for Word Plagiarism:
  2. researcher repeats the exact words of a source without using quotation marks and giving proper credit.

  3. Paraphrase Plagiarism:
  4. researcher says basically the same thing as the original source with just a few words changed.

  5. Spot Plagiarism:
  6. researcher uses key words and phrases without using quotation marks and giving proper credit

Avoiding Plagiarism in Paragraphs by paraphrasing


Paraphrasing is a restating of an author's ideas using your own words and giving proper credit to the source. If you include exact words and key phrases of the author, you need to put quotation marks around them to give proper credit.

What Needs to be Cited?

Any information that you find in your research that isn't common knowledge, regardless of whether you already knew the fact or not.

What is Common Knowledge?

Anything that is generally accepted as truth or can be found in all reference books worldwide

I also have some additional comments regarding plagiarism:
  1. Avoid the use of long quotations; this tends to imply that you do not understand what the author is saying, and/or you can not put the ideas into your own words.
  2. As you read sources, take notes. Read the text fully to understand the main points, and write your notes without looking at the text. Thus, you will paraphrase your notes into your own words.
  3. The goal here is to focus on your understanding; then when you write your paper, it will flow with your writing style throughout.
  4. Yes, I have to admit this page is quite old, my son has graduated from college and is teaching high school mathematics now.


A list of references is virtually always required. In addition, the works used should be cited within the text. I recommend using the IEEE standard format. In this format, a numbered reference list is placed at the end of the paper (either before or after any appendices), and works are cited by placing the number in square brackets at the end of the cited text, e.g., [1]. If it is helpful to include page numbers, I suggest you do that in the citation, e.g., [1, pp. 231-233].

A simple guide to the IEEE Standard format can be found here:

Examples of IEEE Format

It is also possible that you have read materials that are related but have not been cited. In this case, you should have an additional list, called a `bibliography', or `additional readings'. These do not need to be numbered, but the listing should also follow the IEEE standard format.

Figures and Tables

What makes technical writing somewhat unique is the use of figures and tables to aid in explaining the concepts discussed in the work. Figures and tables must have a number and a caption, and need to be discussed within the text. If you use a figure/table from another source, it must be cited within the caption.

Of particular importance is the integration of the text with the accompanying figure or table. Good questions to ask yourself when writing are, "why should the reader look at this?", or "what is important about this figure/table?".


Similar to figures and tables, equations are only useful if they are integrated into the text. Be sure to write equations into your document as if you are reading the equation to a listener. This will make the concept you are explaining clearer to the reader.

When using equations, each equation should have a number (preferably at the right margin), all variables need to be defined on first use with units and need to be suitably explained in context of the document. I do not require typed equations, but typed equations are preferred over hand-written equations. I expect all symbols (such as Greek letters) to appear appropriately (for example, do NOT substitute u for the Greek letter mu).

Other Issues

Here, I wish to warn you about some smaller items.

  1. Never begin a number less than one with a decimal. Always place a zero before the decimal: 0.1.
  2. Define all acronyms on first use (or place a table at the beginning of the document that lists all acronyms used).
  3. If the assignment has a length requirement (such as a term paper), use 1 inch margins all around, number the pages, and use a reasonable font size. Font sizes above 12 pt. are not acceptable.
  4. All written work must be handed in as hard-copy. This is because I want to see your work in the format you intended.

Proof Reading

Finally, never hand in written work without proof-reading it first. If there are only a few corrections (such as one per page), you can turn in the document with those corrections added by hand. It is also acceptable to type the text and write in the symbols (such as Greek letters) on the final copy.