• The newest member of our group is the recently formed Neural Imaging Laboratory. This lab is dedicated to the research of imaging of neural structure and function using techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and magnetoencephalography (MEG). Imaging in this laboratory is done at the Froedtort Hospital and the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW). For our DTI and fMRI studies we currently use a 3 tesla and a new 7 tesla MRI machines for human subjects and for small animal studies the 9.4 tesla machines. MEG studies are completed at the new MEG center at the MCW. For image and signal processing in the neural imaging laboratory we have two HP Pavilion Elite HPE computers that boast the intel core i7 processors each with six cores, multithreading capabilities, and coupled with 24 GB of ram for high speed and large data set processing. When higher computing power is required, this laboratory is also connected to MUGrid, which includes Père, a 1024 core computer cluster; a condor pool of over 500 cores throughout campus; and Pario, the 164 core cluster in the College of Engineering. To learn more, please see some of our ongoing projects below.