Distance Weighted B1 Uniformity Correction for Multiple Channel Reconstruction, p.3097, ISMRM 2010
EPSI with Peak-Enhanced 2D-Capon Analysis for Prostate Studies, p.2804, ISMRM 2010
Multiple-channel EPI Phase Correction for SENSE Based Image Reconstruction, p.1365, ISMRM 2008
Partial k-space reconstruction in single-shot DW-EPI, MRM, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 614-619, 2007
Abstract for Image Reconstruction Using Dynamic EPI Phase Correction, ISMRM 2006
Poster for Image Reconstruction Using Dynamic EPI Phase Correction, ISMRM 2006
Area-selective signal parameter estimation for 2D MRS data, JMR, vol. 183, no. 1, pp. 50-59, 2006
Spectral analysis of multichannel MRS data, JMR, vol. 175, no. 1, pp. 79-91, 2005
Abstract for MR Spectroscopy
Using Multiple Receive Coils, ISMRM 2004
Poster for MR Spectroscopy
Using Multiple Receive Coils, ISMRM 2004
Abstract for Using 2D Capon Analysis
with MR Spectroscopy to Estimate T2*, ISMRM 2004
Poster for Using 2D Capon Analysis
with MR Spectroscopy to Estimate T2*, ISMRM 2004
Two-Dimensional Spectral Estimation Techniques with
Applications to Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, 2004
Apodization in the Slice Encoding Direction for 3D Imaging, RSNA 2003
Poster for 8-Channel Image
Reconstruction using Independent Component Analysis, ISMRM 2002
Abstract for 8-Channel Image
Reconstruction using Independent Component Analysis, ISMRM 2002
Abstract for Peripheral Vascular
Imaging technique (Shoot and Scoot), ISMRM 2002
US Patent 7,420,370
US Patent 7,259,557
US Patent 7,102,352
US Patent 7,098,662
US Patent 6,891,371
US Patent 6,603,992
US Patent 6,564,081
US Patent 6,339,626